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Saturday, April 2, 2011

1 month down...

it has been almost 1 month since i stopped taking my medication for my depression. i have to say that this has been the best month ever. i feel more free and alive. i can laugh and i can cry when i want to. i've always been an emotional person so i cried over the drop of a hat. but now i can cry when i see fit. not when i was so over-whelmed that that was all that i could do. i feel like i have enjoyed my kids and my husband more. yes, of course, they can get on my nerves. but that is just life. i feel like i have accepted that. i don't let work get to me as much. i try to enjoy myself and surround myself with positive people. because i have decided that if you keep doing what you are doing, you are always going to get what you got. smile, it brings out your inner beauty!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

i'm climbing my way back up...

so, i have got to say that this has literally been the best 2 weeks thus far. i feel like i am almost me again. i can laugh and joke and have fun. it's amazing that when you finally decided that you are in charge, that you are going to take your life back one way or another, what a person has the strength to do. it feels so good to laugh again, to have that carefree feeling. i feel like my relationship with my husband and my kids is so much better. sure i am going to have some bad days i'm sure, but without the bad, how do you know that you have the good? i am making it an effort to continually to think positive. it is something that i struggle with but i know that i can do it. i have such a loving family and very supportive friends. with them, i can do anything. i really just can't fathom how someone can be around people that are constantly putting them down or are affecting how they live their day to day life. i want to help them but i am really not sure how to go about it. i just want to show them that there really are greener pastures out there. i just want to give back because someone really helped me. and honestly, this person was the last person that i though would be there...the ones that i thought would have been right there, wasn't....

I found this draft that I hadn't yet posted from a year ago...I've got to say that it is still true. I thank God for everything he's done and everything he's going to do :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011


this is a post that i had on facebook about 8 months ago: it speaks volumes...

This is just a little something I wrote a few days ago. I wasn't going to post it because I may "step on some toes". But a couple of my good friends told me to go ahead and do it. So here it goes: Respect--such a simple plain word but yet has such a a powerful meaning. It may not mean a lot to some, but it is all I long for. When you do a job well done, do you not want someone to give you that pat on the back? If you are in a leadership role, do you not expect RESPECT from your colleagues? Is it just me, or does this not happen as much as it should? Yeah, I've heard everything from: that's what you get paid for, it's your responsibility, why do you want to lead?, and why do more than what is expected?...the list could go on and on. Well here is your answers: Yes, I get paid to do my job but so do you? Yes, it is my responsibility to make sure things are done and are getting done the way I was TAUGHT to do. I want to lead because it is something that I feel I was given the gift to do. And up until now, I truly believed it but it is amazing what a few people can do to your self-esteem and self-worth. And yes, I do more than what is expected of me because that is who I am. I give 110% and I expect a little bit of recognition and respect for it. I've been told by even family members that I think I'm better than them. And you know what? If it means that I take pride in myself and I what I do then so be it. I am better. Everyone should have pride in what they do and what they accomplish. 20 years ago, this kind of thing wasn't an issue. I never heard my parents speak of their colleagues undermining someone in an authority position. There is a reason why positions such as these are given. Usually because those that are higher on the "ladder" do not have a clue about the day to day operations. They hand out positions to keep control of area they do not cover or know. But what is the point in taking the time, money, and resources into training a person and then not backing them up? If I was doing something wrong, first and foremost, I would expect to be told. Then I can see having their help to fix a problem. But why fix something that isn't broke? And why beat your leader down so much that they feel powerless and worthless? Haven't we already showed others that they don't have to listen or do whatever task just because they don't "like" to. Or that they have to RESPECT their leader. Funny, there is that word again. A military friend once told me- "it doesn't matter whether you liked the person or not;or wanted to do what they told you to do--you did it because you listened to and RESPECTED their authority". Wouldn't the world be a perfect place if this would happen now? But no, there always has to be atleast one person to rock the boat. In the past, I can think of a few who did the same thing but funny thing is--is that they are not here yet I still am. Go figure! Is my opinion not worth anything? I believe with almost 10 years of experience interviewing, hiring, training, and firing people my opinion would be worth a little more than what it is. But I guess not. I'm passed the anger and frustration but now am stuck at the loss of self-worth. When you are doing your "thing" from day to day and all is going well, then all of a sudden you get hit up-side the head by a MAC truck, you tend to second guess yourself. I have thought, prayed, cried, and yelled about what to do. And the only thing I can come up with is--wherever I am, I am going to demand RESPECT. Such a simple thing to give yet so hard to get... But by the grace of God, I am what I am. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7 He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves there of are still. Psalms 107:29 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

smiling on the inside

I can actually say for the first time in well, years, that I am actually smiling on the inside. It's actually really hard to say that. Because those of you that know me, would never have thought that I was really unhappy as what I was. I was one of those people who would just put on a brave face and just keep on truckin'. It's not like my life is all that bad. I made it much worse than it had to be. And I am here to tell you that first and foremost, you need to accept that you are having issues and second, be open to ideas from your family and friends.
Now I am trying to deal with the sorriness I have inside for being the way I was. I can't imagine how my husband and children dealt with me for all of these years. I couldn't even stand myself so I am sure they couldn't stand me either. I can actually laugh at things that I used to find amusing. For instance, my kids were playing outside yesterday and they were apparently trying to dig up a dog that the previous homeowners had buried...normally that would aggravate me. I just couldn't keep from laughing at them back there digging for this dog. It's the simple things in life that I no longer want to take for granted. You never know when your time is going to be up...
Live like there is no tomorrow! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

was going through the motions...

so about a week ago, i went through somewhat of a nervous breakdown. it is no secret that i suffer from depression. i was just in such a place where i thought no one else could possibly understand what i was going through. i made a post and published it on facebook and i received so many comments from some of my friends that were of course going through the same trials and troubles. i was actually shocked at who commented...it wasn't who i thought would. but i guess that is how life is, you really never know what you are going to get.
after some serious conversations with a woman that i respect deeply, i have come to the conclusion that it is only between me and God of how my life is. if i don't like how things are going, then change them. at one point in time, i would have thought that was easier said than done. now after of almost of a week without taking medication, i feel like i can truly FEEL what is going on. i feel ALIVE! i can laugh and truly feel happy. of course we are going to have those days when things just aren't going your way, but at this moment in time i actually think that i can make it though it. i don't know what finally did it to make things finally click. i really believe that you almost have to hit rock bottom before you can crawl your way back up. you have to really want it. and i have now accepted that i want this. i want to be happy. i want to enjoy my babies and my husband. i don't want them to have to walk on eggshells around me...just hoping that i am not having a bad day. i actually feel like i am smiling inside. not one of those smiles that make your cheeks hurt, but i am working on it. and for the first time in a long time, i really believe that i am going to make it. thank you to everyone who has been there for me whether it was just a hug or a text message. you all have helped me through...